Cottage Lane Morning Weather Report

Click Here for the Cottage Lane Weather Center Page

Directions:  Fill out the form below.  Make sure to place information in every box and to choose an item from every menu.  When you are done, please print this out and take this to the main office to read on the announcements for the morning.  You may decide how to divide up the reading, but please make sure to divide the reading up so that ALL members of your group have a turn to read. 

All information is available on the Cottage Lane Weather Center.  If the equipment is not working correctly on the day you are to read, you may get data from the National Weather Service Website 

Good morning this is , and reporting live from the

Cottage Lane Weather Center with the forecast for today. 

The temperature outside is   , at   degrees Fahrenheit.


The wind is  
at miles per hour out of the .


The sky is .



We have had since midnight.

The barometric pressure is   inches and

We predict


That is your weather forecast.  Have a nice day.