The 2008 Primary

On Tuesday, February 5th, 2008 New York, and 28 other states around the United States will hold primary elections for the 2008 presidential elections.  In a primary, voters in each political party decide who that party will support in the general election held in November. 

Each citizen 18 years of age and over will have the opportunity to vote in the election. Voting is an important responsibility. Each vote can effect the lives of millions of people. It is important to vote. Because you effect so many people when you vote, it is also important to learn as much as you can about each candidate before you cast your ballot. In this webquest, you will use the World Wide Web to learn about each candidate, and their positions on several issues. You will have the opportunity to choose a political party and to vote for one of their candidates in our Cottage Lane elections. You may use this webquest to help you decide who to vote for. Or, it may help you to learn more about a candidate you have already chosen.

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