Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Technical Issues

What happens when two million people all try to use a cell phone at the same time? Technical problems. Most of my videos did not make it to the blog yesterday and I just became aware of it when I got home this morning. I'll post them here, slightly out of order now. Check them out and please accept my apologies for the issues.

Many people asked me what was the part of the day that most affected me. I would have to say it was after the inauguration when I was visiting the Washington Monument with my family. If I turned my head west, I could see the Lincoln Memorial where 45 years earlier, Dr. King gave his I have a Dream speech. If I turned East, I could see the spot where just moments earlier, our first African American President had just been sworn in. To the north, I could see the White House: His new home. and between those two were the remnants of the Inaugural Parade. Looking back over 45 years of history, I could see a kind of change that left me with such a profound feeling of hope and joy. 45 years ago, this day was just a dream. We have accomplished so much in those years and I was so happy to be able to be a part of it.

Monday, January 19, 2009

On the road

We are on the bus and heading to Washington. Check back here throughout the day to see what it is like to be a part of this historic day.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009


Welcome the the inaguration blog. Check back here on January 20th as Mr. Tanenbaum travels to Washington DC on Inaguration Day to help welcome our new president, Barack Obama. Mr. Tanenbaum will be video-casting (vodcasting) throughout the day to give students an idea of what it is like to be in the crowd on this historic day.