The Pollock population in the Bering Sea is down and it is up to you to help fix it.  The most important tool in fisheries management is called the quota.  This is the limit set on the number of fish that can be caught.  Limits may also be set on when fish may be caught.  To learn more about the quota system in the Bering Sea, click here for a video.


Lets try a simulation to see how this works.  Today you will be part of a 4 person Fisheries Management Council and your task is to figure out a limit that will work for the fish and for you.  As a member of the council you will play the roll of:


A fisherman A NOAA Scientist An Environmentalist A Purchasing Agent for McDonald's Restaurant 


You will have 10 minutes to read and learn about the roll you will play.  When you are done, you and your fellow council members will decide what to do with the quota.  Should you reduce the number of fish caught or keep it the same?  Once you have made your decision, try out your ideas on the quota simulator.  Let's see what happens!!


 NOTE:  The simulation does not use actual numbers. No recommendation from NOAA has been made as yet.


Good Luck.